When Whitehurst became a Reserve Training vessel, her full time crew was cut
back to about three dozen Regular Navy sailors. There was little need for an
onboard Post Office. Late in 1958 the ship's Postman, Radarman 2/c Ken Baroa, closed the
ships Post Office.
PO Closed
In 1961 Whitehurst was reactivated and once again assigned a full crew of
full time sailors. The onboard Post Office was also reopened. After
the ship's mission was complete, she was sent back to Seattle, de-activated and
placed back in service as a Reserve Training ship. Again the Post Office
was closed.
On July 25, 1962 someone purchased a specially cancelled envelope with a
Project Mercury stamp and a "Last Day of Service" emblem boldly imprinted on the
left side. This envelope was kept in a collector's possession for 47
years. In the summer of 2009, it was placed on E-Bay for auction.
On behalf of the USS Whitehurst Assn. I offer our thanks to my nephew, Clay
Palmer, who spotted the offering, won the bid, and sent this wonderful piece of
Whitehurst memorabilia to me. max crow webmaster.